Events Your Church Can Host

Reaping meetings

(7-Part series)

The Chosen

Has your church been hosting community events and generating many new interests? Have you had Bible workers steadily carrying on Bible studies? Perhaps you have already conducted an evangelistic series recently. Then this seminar is for you. It covers key Bible doctrines that each one should be grounded in before entering the watery grave of baptism. 

Evangelism Revival meeting (7-part Series)

GO Series - GOd’s GOspel GOmission

Perhaps you are a pastor or attend a church that has many loving members, but no one brave enough to reach out. Maybe everyone has gotten comfortable in their pew or they feel like evangelism doesn’t work in today’s modern society. This evangelism revival seminar will spark a flame in the hearts of church members to get up and respond to God’s call. They will see the fields are ready for harvest.

Spiritual revival meeting (10-part series)


Lacking spiritual motivation? Are you drifting along in your spiritual journey? This series will take your church to the mountaintop in experiencing God in a more practical way and at a deeper level.

In this 10-part seminar, you will learn how to shine brightly for the Lord. You will discover keys to deeper Bible study, ways to find Bible study contacts, methods of appealing to the heart, and so much more. This interactive soul-winning seminar will inspire you personally and the church as a whole to become active in reaching the lost for Christ.

Soul Winning Training Seminar (10-part)


Bible prophecy seminar

(3 weeks 4 weekends / 21 messages)

Revelation of Love

This seminar is not only a perfect community event, but it will revive your church as well. Revolutionary Bible truths are presented with fresh vigor. Messages that have been heralded for years take on new life as evangelist David Machado reveals Christ in every doctrine.

Request me

Interested in having David Machado speak at your church, camp meeting, or conference event? Fill out the form below.