Completed projects

Bible Institute School of Evangelism

Summer 2023!

Our program is an institute of The Revelation of Love Ministries. As such, The Revelation of Love Bible Institute team will train you and your church to become gospel medical missionaries through Christ’s method of teaching, preaching and healing. Our committed and caring instructors will strive to equip you with Biblical insights and practical tools needed in reaching every lost person in this world.

“Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, TEACHING in their synagogues, PREACHING the gospel of the kingdom, and HEALING every sickness and every disease among the people.”

- Matthew 9:35 (NKJV)

David Machado

President of Revelation of Love Ministries


Keys to Bible Prophecy

Recorded 1-minute prophecy episodes to be aired during commercial breaks on different TV stations 


Revelation of Love Series (New recording)

David will be recording a newer version of the Revelation of Love Bible Prophecy Seminar to make available to the public in the near future (tentatively scheduled for fall of 2019).



Church-member evangelism training packet

This will be a recorded training series with materials to go along with it to be used in preparing church members to reach out to their community, their family, their friends, and their neighbors


Evangelism Revival Series - GO Series

In the future, we plan to record an evangelism revival series of 7 revitalizing messages for your church or your family. 



IGNITE - Spiritual Revival Series

A ten-part revival series to spiritually awaken your church