Revelation of Love Ministries

is a faith-based, worldwide, 501(C)3 non-profit ministry, seeking to give the final message of mercy to mankind. We are committed to going wherever God calls us to go to preach the three angels’ messages. We are seeking to do this through public evangelistic meetings, our Bible Institute school of evangelism, spiritual revival meetings, publishing work, soul winning training seminars, discipleship classes, sacred music concerts, and creative media. Our goal is to use every means we have to spread the gospel to the whole world.

Our Mission

The purpose of our ministry is to give the last message of mercy to mankind. We are commissioned to “go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in” that God’s house may be filled —Luke 14:23. We seek to proclaim the end-time gospel message through friendship, voice, song, and pen. It is our desire that through the proclamation of Bible prophecy and the wonderful truths of the Bible, people will see a fresh picture of God’s character of love. “If we can awaken an interest in men’s minds that will cause them to fix their eyes on Christ, we may step aside, and ask them only to continue to fix their eyes upon the Lamb of God”. The love they see in the Lamb is all they need to draw them in to His marriage supper. 

Our Vision

To reveal more and more the glory of God’s loving character through our lives and ministry. 




David Machado


David Machado has had previous experience in Literature Evangelism, Bible Worker Training, and Public Evangelism. He has worked for the past 10 years in the front lines of evangelism ministry. He has his Bachelors in Biblical Studies along with a Masters Degree in Pastoral Ministry. He travels internationally giving Bible prophecy and spiritual seminars while also teaching collegiate level classes on the science of soul winning.

Abigail Machado


Abigail Machado has her degree in Biblical studies. Before joining her husband in ministry, Abigail served as a dean in many academies as well as an English teacher. She has been working alongside her husband, David, in ministry for the past nine years. Now she assists him in ministry while also being at home full-time raising their son.

Kristina Batista

Bible Institute Secretary/Logistics Coordinator

Kristina Batista serves as the Bible Institute Secretary/Logistics Coordinator. She graduated with a Bachelors in Elementary Education and Secondary Religion, and has served in various ministry opportunities. Alongside graduating from an evangelism school, she has served as a Bible Worker, Literature Evangelist, Literature Ministries Administrative Assistant and Pastor’s wife. She loves serving others and enjoys encouraging a walk with Jesus through Bible Studies.

Valentina Dragomir


While Valentina holds her degree in animal husbandry, her experience is in the area of health and administration. Valentina previously worked at a health Institute where she served in the areas of health education, administration, and lifestyle center management. Here at Revelation of Love Ministries, Valentina manages the sale of produce and bakery items; she makes all the baked goods. She loves being involved wherever she can serve and then she gives overtime to her family as well.

Magda Rodriguez


Magda Rodriguez is an experienced administrator and educator.  She has a Master's Degree in Business Administration, and she is a Ph.D. candidate in Higher Education Administration from Andrews University. Her greatest passion is to point others to the Master and to support Revelation of Love Ministry to fulfill its mission by keeping its financial record in order.

Cristian Dragomir


Cristian Dragomir has his degree in auto mechanics, but his passion is farming and gardening. He also has experience in bread baking and bee keeping. Besides managing our farm and maintaining our beehives, Cristian also grows micro greens on the side.

Jonathan Riddle


Jonathan Riddle has worked in IT both as an assistant and director. He has served as staff in multiple higher education institutions along with missionary work. His skills are not just in IT. He has experience in mechanics and construction as well. His passion is to use his gifts in helping God’s work move forword. Here at Revelation of Love, Jonathan does everything from video editing, IT related items, and managing all recording and recording equipment, to mowing, construction, and maintenance.

Benjamin Jenkins


Was the first and original Revelation of Love singer. He has been involved in music ever since he can remember. For many years, he was a crucial part in bringing people to the foot of the cross through his music. He was also a member of the King’s Heralds Quartet and is a honorary member of the Revelation of Love team.

Vanessa Aldana


Vanessa is a very talented and gifted person in many aspects of ministry. She has gone through health and evangelism training schools and has, no doubt, reached many people for the kingdom of God. She and her growing family will always be part of the Revelation of Love Ministries’ family.

Supporting Ministries


Laura Williams Music Ministry


Laura Williams has been a singer/recording artist for over a decade. Her passion is to share Jesus through music. Laura and her husband Ernie travel full time sharing the love of Jesus through music and song. For the last few years they have been joining the Revelation of Love team during evangelistic meetings.

Kenneth Cox and Kenneth Cox Ministries

Kenneth Cox and Kenneth Cox Ministries has been a tremendous blessing not just to Revelation of Love Ministries but to David Machado personally. Kenneth Cox was very influential in helping David start Revelation of Love Ministries through his mentorship. Kenneth Cox Ministries has and is continuing to reach thousands of people with the gospel message.

“It was during the Revelation of Love Seminar that I made my decision to recommit my life to Jesus so I can be free from all the guilt and shame of the past. The messages helped me recognize that by confession, repentance, and baptism my sins were buried away and covered by the blood of Jesus. So I made the decision to proclaim God’s love by getting re-baptized”
— Attendee at the seminar in Clairemont, CA (Feb. 2018).